Head Office & Testing Center
4504 8A Street NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E 4J7
Ph: 403-457-3155 Fax: 403-457-1771

Elevate Your Expertise with Group 10 Engineering
Our comprehensive workshops and training programs, led by industry experts,
provide a deep dive into the latest technologies and best practices.
Group 10 Instructors have many years of hands-on experience in all facets of pipeline design, fabrication, installation, and inspection. Instructors each have 35-40 years of practical experience including over 20 years of experience teaching courses. Group 10 Engineering is a leader of pipeline and pressure equipment integrity management services and therefore in the perfect position to provide a significant amount of added value in our training. Our training sessions include practical applications, comparisons of jurisdictional requirements, information on best practices, and practical interpretation and application of the various tasks required.
Register for Our Upcoming Training!
Regulatory & CSA Z662-2023 : Pipeline Systems Code Requirements
Regulations and codes have recently changed! This two-day course (1.6 CEUs) will bring you up to date and provide a thorough understanding of the regulatory requirements and the standard CSA Z662 Pipeline Systems.
Dates: November 19th – 20th, 2024
To learn more, click here.
Custom Training
Group 10 Instructors can provide custom training to fit your requirements, either at our location or yours, on the date of your preference. Group 10 instructors are extremely knowledgeable and can cater the training to best suit the learner's needs.
Click here for details & pricing.